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The definition of an itinerary states multiple locations. The schema allows for 0..n . This should be 2..n
An openLR linear does not comply with the definition of a Linear in DII. Linear has the definition: A linear section along a single road with optional directionality defined between two points on the same road. The issue is that an openLR linear can be on more than one road
This would then be an itinerary with openLR linear. But then we get another issue:
I cannot find any rule for the definition of units in DATEX, neither in the methodology nor in the extension guide.
The assumption of using only base units of the International System of Units seems not to be valid, as there are things defined in DATEX Level A like 'Tonnes' (but not: 'Kilograms') and 'KilometresPerHour' as well as 'MetresPerSecond'.
So is there any rule for defining units?
The DATEX Tool aleady contains a feature to deselect attributes of ‘DataValue’. That was because ‘DataValue’ is never traversed in the tree from top down, but only from inheriting components.
Now consider a similar structure, where some class is located in the same way as DataValue (i.e. no associations from 'the top'), but has got additional associations itself. They will never be reached within the tree, and therefore they are not displayed. Thus you cannot select or deselect them.
A quite simple model made out of three classes and one attribute leads to a crash of the DATEX tool.
In the moment it's not possible to attach files here, I will supply some graphics later.
I sent all source files to Jonas Jäderberg to evaluate this problem.
A bug is found from documentation, concerning Alert-C direction (section 7.2.8 in User Guide). Example 5 states that effect is for positive direction, when it should be to both directions.
Detailed question (and answer) is found from the following link:
Using a selection file (.sel) which produced a proper schema before, now some base class elements are not selected in the navigation tree anymore.
As those elements are mandatory, it is not possible to change their state, i.e. to select them again.
Problem 1 is: Why did those elements disappear in the selection?
Problem 2 is: How to reselect those elements in this situation?
The problem does not appear without using a selection file, i.e. just reading the XMI-file and selecting elements works fine in this context.
There is a need in the new Exchange to use untyped References and VersionedReferences.
To do this just a smal change in the documentation in the Methodology is requiered.
This is some background research on this
Discovered a problem if you do the following