Berlin 2010

Technical Session 1

Theme 1: DATEX deployments – Best practice and lessons learned Moderator: Bard de Vries

NDW – G. Hoogeboom National Databank Wegverkeersgegevens
TIPI – H. Guichard Ministry of Transport France
NTCC – H. Hazarika IBI Group
MDM – L. Rittershaus Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen 

Theme 2: New data elements

Moderator: Damian Morris

VMS publication – F. Paoletti Autostrade per l’Italia
Supporting TMPs – J. Garcia LISITT
Intelligent Truck Parking – J. Kaltwasser AlbrechtConsult
Use of Extensions – J. Jäderberg VIATI 

Technical Session 2

Theme 1: Datex standardization issue

Moderator: Josef Kaltwasser

DATEX II in CEN – D. de Winter Rijkswaterstaat
TISA & TPEG – H.-W. Pfeiffer Robert Bosch Car Media
OTS 2 standardisation – T. Schön GEVAS software
C2X in CEN & ETSI – T. Herb Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen 

Theme 2: DATEX deployments – Best practice & lesson learned

Moderator: Jose Garcia

INIR implementations – P. Barradas INIR
SRA implementations – B. Bjerkeholt Swedish Road Administration
Slovenia – U. Zorin. DARS
The Info24 experience – H. Nottehed Info24 

Technical Session 3

Theme 1: Location Referencing – what’s new?

Moderator: Carlos Costa

How LR works in DATEX I – L. Blaive SETRA
OpenLR – S. Baselau TomTom
Agora C – H.-W. Pfeiffer Robert Bosch Car Media
ISO TC211 / Inspire – J. Harrod Booth Harrod Booth Consulting 

Theme 2: The urban, public transport and C2X domains

Moderator: Reiner Dölger

DATEX in C2X field trial – J. Freudenstein AlbrechtConsult
The SIRI standard – W. Bruns Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen
Urban/inter-urban interface – P. Cullen Traffic Scotland
CVIS showcase & NDW – N.N. Logica 

Technical Session 4

Theme 1: DATEX –the roadmap to deployment

Moderator: Loĭc Blaive

ITS Action Plan/Directive – E. Kenis European Commission
DATEX Depl. Guideline – J.-P. Méchin CETE du Sud Ouest
ES 5 organisation – R. Dölger Ministry of Transport Rheinland-Pfalz
ES 1 user perspective –P. Cullen: Traffic Scotland 

Theme 2: DATEX user support & community

Moderator: Bo Bjerkeholt

The DATEX website – F. Paoletti Autostrade per l’Italia
The maintenance process – B. de Vries Rijkswaterstaat
The release schedule – J. Kaltwasser AlbrechtConsult
Interactive Session – User Needs
Summary Results Interactive Feedback Session