
DATEX II in Iceland

Submitted by paalaas on Wednesday, 14 April, 2021 - 12:33

The Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration (IRCA) has as of March 2021 started to broadcast road condition, weather data and situations in accordance with the EU’s DATEX II standard version 3 defined in the multi-part CEN standard 16157

The Exchange 2020 specification supporting DATEX II v3 is available now!

Submitted by Helene van Hei… on Friday, 23 October, 2020 - 11:44

Today, the 2020 Exchange specification is fully available and supports both Data Delivery and the CIS Business Scenario that supports the DATEX II version 3 payload specification. After the first "Exchange 2018" version, the current Exchange 2020 specification is available on the DATEX II Academy.