Stockholm 2012

Datex II User Forum 2012 Programme 

Day 1 - 20 March 2012

Hands-on Workshop - (Room Spårvagnen) 

How to create a Datex Profile/Extension - Jörg Freudenstein, AlbrechtConsult GmbH 

Opening Plenary Session - (Room Spårvagnen) 

Importance of EasyWay and Datex for EasyWay - Arne Lindeberg, EasyWay TCT
Datex in the Context of harmonised ITS Deployment - Pawel Stelmaszczyk, Head of Unit, European Commission
Introduction to the Forum Programme - Torsten Geißler, EasyWay ESG 5 

Datex II & standardisation - (Room Spårvagnen)

Moderator: Torsten Geißler 

Extending the Datex II Approach: Dangerous Goods Transport Regulations - Jon Harrod Booth, CEN TC 278 WG2
Datex II Lifecycle management: The organisation behind the standard, Bard de Vries, Datex II Strategic Group
Datex II & Cooperative Systems - Lan Lin, Hitachi Europe 

Traffic Management & Private Services - (Room Spårvagnen)

Moderator: Bard de Vries 

Traffic Management & navigation, Tim Lange, BMW AG
TMPs & Navigation, Alain Rème, CETE Méditerranée
Changing Roles in Traffic Management - Carlo van de Weijer, Tom Tom 

Deployment part 1 - (Room Perrongen)

Moderator: Jose Garcia 

Estabilishment of Datex II Road and Traffic Information Service in Norway - Kjersti Leiren Boag, Norwegian Public Road Administration
Finnish Datex II Node Implementation, Esa Östring, Infotripla Oy
Use of Datex II in the German Mobility Data Marketplace by local road authorities, Jörg Freudenstein, AlbrechtConsult GmbH
Datex II Experience in Portugal - Ricardo Fernandes, Armis  

Day 2 - 21 March 2012

Deployment part 2 - (Room Spårvagnen)

Moderator: Bo Bjerkeholt 

 Swedish Datex II Services, Migrating to Version 2.0 - Karolina Hedberg, Swedish Transport administration / Viati
Deployment Issues in Information Chains, the Dutch Experience - Wim van Nifterick, ARS Traffic & Transport Technology BV
Spanish Datex II Deployment - Jose Garcia, LISITT 

Tools & Modelling - (Room Perrongen)

Moderator: Loïc Blaive 

 Extensions in Datex II: How to adapt a standard to your needs - Jonas Jäderberg, Swedish Transport Administration / Viati
Datex II Exchange Specification - Ricardo Fernandes, Armis
Management of VMS in Emergency Situation among Motorway operators in Italy - Fabrizio Paoletti, Autostrade Tech S.p.A. 

Datex II & Deployment Guidelines - (Room Spårvagnen)

Moderator: Fabrizio Paoletti 

 Introduction to the Deployment Guideline 2012 process - Josef Kaltwasser, EasyWay TCT
The User Experience: Using Datex II Profiles in Traffic Information and Management Deployments - Alain Rème, EasyWay ESG1/ESG2
How to use Datex II profiles in Deployment Guidelines - Bard de Vries, EasyWay ESG5 

Datex II & Cooperative Systems - (Room Perrongen)

Moderator: Torsten Geißler 

 Practical Datex Experiences from multiple productive Environments - Sebastian Brandt, Heush/Boesefeldt GmbH
Cooperative systems: Can Datex II pave their Way? - Loïc Blaive – MEDDTL/SETRA
SCORE@F: The French C2X FOT - Vanbao Ta, CETE lle de France 

Closing Plenary Session - (Room Spårvagnen) 

 Datex User Forum: Conclusions - Torsten Geißler, BASt