
2.3 Version

Selection feature deselects wrong

Submitted by jaderberg on Monday, 21 March, 2016 - 13:30

 If you deselect all at root and then eg. select SituationPublication the exchange package is not selected.
First time you deselects all elements the whole model is not delesected. Some elements like trafficStatusValue is not deselected.

I found a bug that caused this..

Will be fixed in both 2.3 och 3.0

Default language in Payload Publication

Submitted by Joerg Freudenstein on Wednesday, 2 March, 2016 - 14:58

In Enterprise Architect, the PayloadPublication class has got an attribute "defaultLanguage". The Tool produces an inline attribute with name "lang", i.e. there is a discrepance between the names in the EA 'pictures' and in the resulting XSD or XML files.

(This might be a model issue and/or as a Tool issue)..
To be considered whether this is still a problem in Version 3.0.


Submitted by Joerg Freudenstein on Thursday, 28 January, 2016 - 13:13

The Class SpeedPercentile is connected by a 0..1 multiplicity to TrafficSpeed.
Wouldn't it make sense to use a 0..* multiplicity here to be able to define more than one SpeedPercentile, for example speed of 85% of vehicles and speed of 30% of vehicles?

Definition: Literal suspended

Submitted by Joerg Freudenstein on Wednesday, 27 January, 2016 - 14:26

There is uncertainty in the usage of the literal "suspended" in "validityStatusEnum":

Is there still an obstruction for the road user or not?
Example: A road work situation that is suspended - is it an implemented road work with lane deviations etc. that is suspended for winter for example (but lane deviations still active)? Or is the roadwork deconstructed, i.e. no obstruction for the user any longer? (Shouldn't it be removed in that case?)

ConstructionWorkType should be mandatory

Submitted by Joerg Freudenstein on Wednesday, 27 January, 2016 - 14:10

The Enum-attribute constructionWorkType in class ConstructionWorks is optional, but it is the only attribute in this class.
It should be considered to change it to mandatory, as it does not make any sense to omit it.
(Furthermore, this enumeration has got a general literal named "construcionWorks", i.e. there is no need to submit an empty class to keep information general).

Traffic Scotland Datex II Service

Submitted by br648 on Tuesday, 22 December, 2015 - 09:35
Organization name
Traffic Scotland
Organization description

Traffic Scotland is a service, delivered by Transport Scotland, which enables the collection and distribution of real-time traffic information occurring across the Scottish Trunk Road network in order to ensure that the safety and efficiency of the network is maintained. It is operated from the National Traffic Scotland Control Centre in South Queensferry.

http://www.trafficscotland.org/datex and http://transportscotland.org
Centre type
Location Referencing Format
Covered network

The Scottish trunk road network managed by Traffic Scotland.

Measured Data
Contact name
Mercy Muthegu
Contact mail

ECo-AT - DATEX II profile for DSRC protected zones

Status definition refers to ISO 14187
Profile object
Profile information

This profile describes the message content for the DSRC Protected zones (protected zones) use case as described by the project ECo-AT. The profile uses “PredefinedLocationsPublication”, and also uses level b extensions, which are also described in this document. All the extension components are colored in yellow, and the enumeration components are colored in blue. Location referencing is done using “TpegGeometricArea”.

Organization name
ECo-AT (The Austrian contribution to the Cooperative ITS Corridor)
Organization description

ECo-AT (European Corridor – Austrian Testbed for Cooperative Systems) is the Austrian project to create harmonised and standardised cooperative ITS applications jointly with partners in Germany and the Netherlands. The project is led by the Austrian motorway operator ASFINAG and the consortium consists of Kapsch TrafficCom AG, Siemens AG Österreich, SWARCO AG, High Tech Marketing, Volvo Technology AB, FTW, ITS Vienna Region, and BASt (Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen).

Centre type
Contact name
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Meckel
Contact mail
EA Model File
XMI file
Selection file

ECo-AT - DATEX II profile for CAM aggregation use case

Status definition refers to ISO 14187
Profile object
MeasuredSiteTablePublication, MeasuredDataPublication, and ElaboratedDataPublication
Profile information

This profile describes the message content for the CAM aggregation use case as described by the project ECo-AT. The profile is divided into three parts: CAM location, CAM content, and CAM single vehicle data. The CAM location part describes the location information for the general CAM aggregation scenario, whereas the CAM content part describes the content information for the general CAM aggregation scenario. The CAM single vehicle data describes the location as well as the content information for the CAM single vehicle data scenario. The profile also uses level b extensions, which are also described in this document. All the extension components are colored in yellow, and the enumeration components are colored in blue. The CAM location uses “MeasuredSiteTablePublication”, the CAM content uses the “MeasuredDataPublication” and the CAM single vehicle data uses the “ElaboratedDataPublication”. Change log: Changes from V1 to V2 (published on 31.10.2016)

  • Added average speed in space and average speed in time to CAM content
  • Added a level b extension for providing missing attributes for location referencing: shape, distanceA, distanceB, and toleranceAngle.
Organization name
ECo-AT (The Austrian contribution to the Cooperative ITS Corridor)
Organization description

ECo-AT (European Corridor – Austrian Testbed for Cooperative Systems) is the Austrian project to create harmonised and standardised cooperative ITS applications jointly with partners in Germany and the Netherlands. The project is led by the Austrian motorway operator ASFINAG and the consortium consists of Kapsch TrafficCom AG, Siemens AG Österreich, SWARCO AG, High Tech Marketing, Volvo Technology AB, FTW, ITS Vienna Region, and BASt (Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen).

Centre type
Contact name
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Meckel
Contact mail
EA Model File
XMI file
Selection file