GenericSitutionRecord is abstract

Submitted by jaderberg on Thursday, 29 September, 2011 - 09:09

GenericSituationRecord is abstract in the model. It should have been concrete. This makes is impossible to use the class as a hook class for levelB extensions. It is correct on GenericPublication.
The problem is fixed by unchecking the static checkbox on the GenericSituationRecord class.

This meens that we have, according to me, a severe bug in 2.0 and also in the standard part 3.

In practise, this meens for us in Sweden, that we have to continue to create some level C sevices instead of level B.

Loading selection

Submitted by jaderberg on Wednesday, 7 September, 2011 - 08:27

When loading a selection from file, the tool only updates the current model with the selected elements from the selection. If you load several selection after each other it will become a mess. Before loadig the selection everything should be deselected.

Resotriction of multiplicity range in subschema generation required

Submitted by Josef Kaltwasser on Monday, 27 June, 2011 - 16:13

Following the subschema generation principle ("all valid instances of the subschem must be valid instances of the full schema") it should be poosible to restrict the multiplicty range of associations and attributes in the process of creating a subschema. Users would thus be able to make attributes or components mandatory in their use case, e.g. by restricting 0..1 to 1..1. This would significantly increase the expressiveness of subschemas for particular services.

Multiple instances of uniqueness constraints

Submitted by Josef Kaltwasser on Friday, 24 June, 2011 - 13:05

The methodology allows for multiple instances of "entry" classes. The tools accepts these multiplte instances and creates an XML element declaration for each of them, as expected. Th eproblem is that the tool includes the same set of unuqueness contraints in all these element declarations. Now these contraints have themselves have to have unque names, but in case of multiple such element declarations, the conatrsaints are also multiplied, using the same names multiply, which is not allowed as far as I know.