These are bug fixes, improvements and proposals for changes on the Parking model for DATEX II version 3.0.
A technical note for migration of the ParkingPublications to Level A is also included.
Bug fixes
- ParkingTypeOfGroup must end with ‘Enum’
- parkingOccupanyDetectionType: Typo in attribute name (missing ‘c’) (two times, in ParkingSpaceBasics and in ParkingRecord!)
- Class Dimension: Prefix ‘dimension’ for all its attributes can be omitted (because definition of length was improved in version 2.3)
- Include own sub-packages for Route, Contact and Thresholds (located in ParkingRecord)
- Rename ParkingVehiclePublication into ParkedVehiclePublication (incl. all appearences of this structure)
- Change stereotype of ParkingAccess to ‘versionedIdentifiable’; dedicatedAccess needs to become a VersionedReference (two times, in DedicatedAccess and in VehicleCountAndRate!)
- OccupanyDetectionTypeEnum: add literal vehicleBased (floating car data)
Proposed model changes
- Include a second aggregation (i.e. two roles) for TimePeriodOfDay from class Charge. Distinguish between a timeframe (i.e. an outer boundary) and a dedicated (i.e. an explicit) period.
- To be checked, if existing TPEC LOC structure can replace the Junction structure
- TariffsAndPayment should be attached to a ParkingSite, not to a GroupOfParkingSites. Instead, there should be a reference to TariffsAndPayment within a GroupOfParkingSites. TarrifsAndPayment should be marked as mandatory only in the CEN Truck Parking Profile (because of the EU regulation).