The tool maps qualifiers to XML attributes with the name of the qualifier, e.g.:
<xs:complexType name="_VmsPictogramDisplayAreaIndexPictogramDisplayAreaSettings">
<xs:element name="pictogramDisplayAreaSettings" type="D2LogicalModel:PictogramDisplayAreaSettings" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:attribute name="pictogramDisplayAreaIndex" type="xs:int" use="required" />
for the qualifier pictogtramDisplayAreaIndex,
whereas the methodology states that all qualifiers shall be mapped to an XML attribute with fixed name "index":
<xs:complexType name="_<name>">
<xs:element name="<name1>" type="<name2>" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:int" use="required" />
Whether this is seen as a bug in the tool or a bug in the description is arbitrary, just that currently the two are not consistent!
I recall that I raised this issue about the name of the qualifier at a TG meeting and requested that it be allowed to be specific to the association since it makes it clearer, certainly when describing the model which qualifier is being refered to, especially when a class has more than one association which uses a qualifier. The tool was changed accordingly, hence I would suggest that the methodology document be aligned.
Yes, agree with Tim. This have changed.
I change it to a bug in the Methodology..
Qualifier mapping will retain the name from the UML qualifier in v2.0.