Ambiguity when using postfix "Extension"

Submitted by Joerg Freudenstein on Tuesday, 6 December, 2011 - 08:35
Issue ID
Bug report

For every component, the DATEX-Tool generates extension points like in the following example: <xs:element name="windExtension" type="D2LogicalModel:_ExtensionType" minOccurs="0"/> This means, that the phrase “windExtension” (without underscore!!) is created by the DATEX-Tool, not by the user. Ergo, the user is not allowed to name a class “WindExtension” (for instance as a level b Extension), because it will also produce the phrase 'name="windExtension"'. The user can do that anyway, the Tool will not complain, and it's even possible to get a correct XML-instance (see attachment). But as you can see there, the same xml-Element (windExtension) has to be modelled twice in two different structures. Some webservice-classbuilding-tools will complain about ambiguity lateron and XML-Tools (like XML Spy) make some mistakes when building up such an XML with context sensitive help. So three steps for a solution:

  1. Modeller: Don't use the postfix "Extension" anywhere
  2. Introducing a rule for 1)
  3. Change of methology: DATEX-Tool should always generate names with underscore
{"changeLogs":[{"date":1528367333439,"componentOLD":"- Select a value -","component":"Methodology","categoryOLD":"- Select a value -","category":"Bug report","priorityOLD":"- None -","priority":"Normal","assignedOLD":"","assigned":"Josef Kaltwasser (18)","statusOLD":"- None -","status":"Fixed"},{"date":1537269833266}]}

Posted by Josef Kaltwasser on January 14, 2032 Permalink

Changed in Methodology and tool.

Posted by PatrickCarroll on September 14, 2028 Permalink

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