DATEX II User Forum - Dublin 2016 - Report

Submitted by Helene van Hei… on Wednesday, 26 October, 2016 - 16:39

DATEX II User Forum - Dublin 2016 - Report

During the 13th and 14th of September 2016 the DATEX II User Forum was held in the Trinity College conference Centre in Dublin, Ireland, where about 80 DATEX stakeholders attended several sessions throughout the User Forum.

Apart from the experienced and more technical users, ‘new’ users were explicitly invited at a management level to join this User Forum. The Forum discussed the pros and cons of DATEX II, how to make best use of DATEX II, how to fulfil the obligations of the ITS Directive by using DATEX II. There was ample time to share this knowledge in direct conversation during the Forum and especially at the evening event that was arranged around the famous Trinity College. And for the ones that are really into the practical side of things, there was the opportunity to participate in a hands-on workshop on DATEX II profiles and extensions.

To read the full report on the 2016 DATEX II User Forum, please visit this page.