DATEX II teams up with the European ITS Platform towards improved standards

Submitted by Helene van Hei… on Wednesday, 29 March, 2017 - 11:12


The knowledge of the data-exchange requirements from various institutional users is essential for taking them into the loop of the future standardisation process. It is the reason why the European ITS Platform is performing an action called: "Liaison and harmonization on interfaces for data exchange" (Sub-Activity 4.5). 

This action targets two main objectives:

  • To collect new user requirements from the ITS corridor projects and Deployment Guidelines produced and improved by the platform
  • To make available all these requirements to DATEX II project

One of the key results in the first year of the project was a clear definition on roles, responsibilities and approach to the cooperation activated between EU EIP SA4.5 and DATEX II PSA to avoid duplication of work and promoting synergies.

Relationships and cooperation between EU ITS Platform and DATEX II PSA were formalized through the elaboration and signature of a specific Memorandum of Understanding.

The Memorandum of Understanding identified:

  • The leader of SA4.5 as the focus point in EU ITS Platform to deliver information to the DATEX II PSA regarding new data-exchange user-needs.
  • DATEX II PSA to be in charge for the technical implementation and realization of the agreed requirements.
  • The common format to collect and provide the DATEX II PSA project with such requirements in a homogenous way.
  • The representatives of each program for participating to other program meetings or working groups.

This MoU was officially signed between both project-managers during the Joint Technical Secretariat meeting hold in Utrecht on March 14th 2017 and is available through this link. Further information is available through this page and contacts are even possible through the platform helpdesk.