DATEX II has chosen APDS as core for its parkingdata standard

Submitted by Helene van Hei… on Tuesday, 6 October, 2020 - 15:51

The European DATEX II community has decided to align with and collaborate with parking industry stakeholders to revise the DATEX II parking model. A key factor in this important decision was the strong support demonstrated by parking operators, data platform and service providers for sharing common data via the Alliance for Parking Data Standards (APDS) technical specifications.

Timely, accurate parking and kerbside data for a range of mobility-related services is an ever-increasing necessity for municipalities and other stakeholders in the mobility chain. The volume of traffic in cities is heavily impacted by vehicles looking for parking spaces and making deliveries. Along with other measures to reduce traffic volume the provision of accurate and reliable information about parking spaces and delivery zones, their availability and how to reach them, brings major benefits in terms of reduced congestion and emission.

With this in mind the DATEX II Steering Group acknowledged that APDS is providing strong input in the development of industry led parking data standards and concluded that there is therefore no reason for DATEX to continue an independent data model for parking.

The Steering Group decided to reconsider the DATEX II Parking Model, published as CEN/TS 16157-6, which is currently under revision, and to put APDS at the core. This decision will ensure that public and private parking operators throughout the EU will naturally specify and implement the revised DATEX specifications to support their operations. This will enable them to fulfill the obligations of the EU Delegated Regulations regarding the provision of data concerning truck parking and urban parking on the National Access Points. It will also ensure alignment with the emerging ISO standards for parking data as the recently adopted ISO work item TS5206-1 "Intelligent transport systems — Parking — Part 1: Core data model" that is also based on the APDS specifications.


The DATEX II and APDS work groups and the relevant ISO working group will establish a close collaboration.

From the public transport domain the CEN Transmodel/NeTEx standards support parking data as well. The initial work of the Joint Working Group on the Harmonization of Parking related Information Standards (HARP) sought and found topics of alignment and potential harmonisation between the three parking standards/specifications.  These opportunities for harmonisation continue in particular regarding overlapping functionalities such as tariff, payment and reservation. These functionalities are especially relevant as they are also part of the Transmodel/NeTEx functions supporting data provision about availability and the usage conditions of new transport modes like car, scooter and bike sharing.

Additional Information:

DATEX II, the European traffic management data exchange CEN 16157 standard series, is cited in the EU Delegated Regulations 883, 1926 and 962 as the reference standard re parking availability, tariffs, and pricing information, as well as the safe and secure truck parking information. The revised DATEX II parking model will continue to support these requirements fully.

For more information on DATEX II, see

Alliance for Parking Data Standards (APDS)

The not-for-profit Alliance for Parking Data Standards (APDS) was founded in 2018 by the European Parking Association, the British Parking Association, and the US-based International Parking & Mobility Institute. APDS continues to develop consensus-built international common specifications for parking data and kerbside management. APDS’ contributors include large parking operators, equipment and service suppliers with stakeholder outreach to parking the automotive industry, IT developers, services, map data companies, app providers and others.

For more information on APDS, see