Destination specification for advisory Entry/Exit without Itinerary detail specification

Submitted by Fabrizio.Paoletti on Monday, 4 December, 2017 - 16:39
Issue ID
UML General
Bug report
Datex stakeholder

For congested, blocked, closed roads or junctions there is a need to specify an advise on suggested / advisory  Exit or Entry


Entry or Exit are dependant of direction found on SituationRecord which causes the advice to divert from congested or blocked route


There is a need to delive information of which destionation is related the advice. DATEX II manages this adding Destination to Itinerary provided as Rerouting.

Nevertheless in many cases there is a need to give only information about adivced exit or entrance (useExit, useEntry for reroutingManagementType) without specifying the whole rerouting itinerary, not managing the Itinerary class associated to Rerouting and in this case we cannot state the destination.


we then ask to add Destination when specifying a ReroutingManagement without need to state the Itinerary, i.e. add e direct relationship from ReroutingManagement to Destination.

Found Version
{"changeLogs":[{"date":1528362274060,"componentOLD":"- Select a value -","component":"UML General","categoryOLD":"- Select a value -","category":"Bug report","priorityOLD":"- None -","priority":"Normal","assignedOLD":"","assigned":"iancornwell (42)","statusOLD":"- None -","status":"Fixed"},{"date":1537267498066}]}

Posted by iancornwell on March 12, 2032 Permalink

Note also the related issue 226. TMG and WG8 chairs decided that it was not possible to address such a significant new change as 226 may introduce, not having been raised in the CEN Enquiry. However we can accommodate this smaller earlier issue 225 by adding the new association as requested.

Posted by iancornwell on March 12, 2032 Permalink

Association added in revision 823.