Common set of restrictions on the road are weight, width, speed,height and length.
Speed is covered by the SpeedManagemt class, no problem.
For the others I found it not so obvious how to do it in DATEX II.
All will work if you say RoadOrCarrigewayOrLaneManagment and RoadClosed and then indicate via forVehiclesWithCharacteristicsOf for what vehicles height, Length, Width etc. for what vheicles the road is closed.
But then you also found in RoadOrCarrigewayOrLaneManagementEnum heightRestrictionInOperation and weigthRestrictionInOperation. But not WidthRestrictionInOperation or LengthRestrictionInOperation.. why not?
Why only this two or when should they be used?
We currently use RoadClosed for Lenth and Witdh but for Weight and height we use the heightRestrictionInOperation/weigthRestrictionInOperation.
TG call agreed that this may require further consideration so it has been deferred to 2016.
Effects Part 3.
I took it into EN review.
Jörg Freudenstein
Cannot see in part 3 comments I received, and has not been implemented.
heightRestrictionInOperation and weigthRestrictionInOperation will be removed. When developing METR package, the heightRestrictionControlInOperation and weigthRestrictionControlInOperation, together with other controls that are in operation will be modelled.