
2.2 Version

Visibility of strucutes in the tree which are not directly connected

Submitted by Joerg Freudenstein on Monday, 16 December, 2013 - 11:40

The DATEX Tool aleady contains a feature to deselect attributes of ‘DataValue’. That was because ‘DataValue’ is never traversed in the tree from top down, but only from inheriting components.
Now consider a similar structure, where some class is located in the same way as DataValue (i.e. no associations from 'the top'), but has got additional associations itself. They will never be reached within the tree, and therefore they are not displayed. Thus you cannot select or deselect them.

Traffic Light Information

Status definition refers to ISO 14187
Profile object
StaticTrafficSignalPublication / DynamicTrafficSignalPublication / TrafficSignalQueuePublication /
Profile information

This profile uses three new publications to exchange information about traffic lights between data provider and service provider. In the static publication part, traffic streams and stop line points can be located. In the dynamic part, information about the signal states can be encoded by a time vector or by a collection of the next signal states. There is a third publication, which allows to transfer queueing information within a very slim message set.
The profile was reflected within the SEAMLESS project and designed by AlbrechtConsult.

In the TrafficSignalInformation.zip-file you'll find

  • 3 Schemata (XSD)
  • 4 Examples (XML)
  • The XMI-file 'D2LogicalModel.xml' (the original link for the XMI-file needed to be filled with an empty dummy).
Organization name
SEAMLESS project
Organization description

An ERA NET ROAD project.
More details

Centre type
Contact name
Jörg Freudenstein
Contact mail
XMI file
Selection file

Selection Problem with DATEX Tool

Submitted by Joerg Freudenstein on Monday, 26 August, 2013 - 11:09

Using a selection file (.sel) which produced a proper schema before, now some base class elements are not selected in the navigation tree anymore.
As those elements are mandatory, it is not possible to change their state, i.e. to select them again.
Problem 1 is: Why did those elements disappear in the selection?
Problem 2 is: How to reselect those elements in this situation?

The problem does not appear without using a selection file, i.e. just reading the XMI-file and selecting elements works fine in this context.

Saving a selection does not work correct

Submitted by Joerg Freudenstein on Tuesday, 9 July, 2013 - 16:59

To save a selection with the DATEX Tool (file ending .sel) does not work properly. There are often (always?) more elements included in the resulting sel file (which is a readable xml-structure) than selected in the tree.

Best example is an unselected (empty) tree from the D2 model (XMI export from D2 website model, deselecting the trunk element D2LogicalModel in the tool - which takes some while, by the way). The resulting .sel file ist not empty, as to be expected, but more than 32.000 lines long.

Definition of accuracy

Submitted by Joerg Freudenstein on Thursday, 20 June, 2013 - 12:57

The definition of accuracy is the following:
"The extent to which the value may be subject to error, measured as a percentage of the data value."

This is not along with the default interpretation of accuracy. Usually, the 100% means free of error whereas 0% means never working correct.
The definition seems to imply the contrary, i.e. the percentage value is used in a reversed order.

Suggestion is to adapt the definition to the default meaning.

Facets for profiles

Submitted by Joerg Freudenstein on Friday, 14 June, 2013 - 16:27

By using facets, you can narrow the data types to some restricted set or combination of numbers or letters. For example, a string is defined to have a maximum of 1024 characters in the Level-A model.

Up to now, it is not possible to change facets when creating a profile.

To define a string with 20 characters max., you have the following options right now:

  • Changing Level A model - this is not intended
  • Adding a custom data type, for example String20