Activity 8 - Maintenance and input to standardisation

Submitted by admin on Tuesday, 31 March, 2020 - 10:01
Activity description

As DATEX II is a living standard, maintenance is required. Issues, problems, and small user requests are considered and fixed. Fixing these issues is reflected in new versions of the standardised parts, as well as in the supporting documentation etc. All parts of the DATEX II standards, supportive tooling, documentation and user guidance that need continuous maintenance are called “DATEX II configuration items”. While other activities produce content for new items, the subsequent maintenance of those items is addressed in this Activity.

The DATEX II content specifications are standardised internationally by CEN TC278. The contributions of the DATEX II support action to this standardisation process are managed in this Activity. The majority of inputs to TC278 from this Activity are via WG8, including EN16157 Parts 1 to 7. Inputs to CEN TC278 WG8 are delivered, and participation in CEN reviews is facilitated. There are now also DATEX II models coming via WG17 which will also be adopted in the TMG-managed DATEX II model in future - this Activity coordinates the adoption and guides the participation in CEN reviews.

The activity also includes technical liaison with other standardisation organisations relevant to the DATEX II content specifications.

This activity is central to the DATEX II support action because it established the European Standards and the modular version 3 with its many improvements in usability. Users of these specifications can be confident that the models have passed through an intense consensus-building process and have potential for deployment on a large scale.


Four parts of the DATEX II specifications have for the first time become full European Standards:
• EN 16157-1:2018 modelling methodology
• EN 16157-2:2019 location referencing model
• EN 16157-3:2018 situation model
• EN 16157-7:2018 common structures

In the coming year, this activity will produce a release 3.1 with VMS, road traffic data, traffic management plans, enhanced rerouting, urban extensions, and traffic signal timing information, and will progress CEN Technical Specifications for Parts 6 (Parking) and 10 (Vehicle Energy Infrastructure).

Active partners

• Highways England, United Kingdom
• ITS Belgium, Belgium
• Cerema, France
• BASt, Germany
• Autostrade Tech, Italy
• Rijkswaterstaat, the Netherlands
• Instituto da mobilidade e dos transportes, I.P. (IMT, IP), Portugal
• DGT, Spain
• Trafikverket, Sweden
• Egnatia Odos AE (Egnatia), Greece
• AustriaTech, Austria
• Electronic Solutions S.R.L. (ELSOL), Romania
• Statens vegvesen, Norway

Activity lead

Introductory statement:
• Ian Cornwell from Mott MacDonald in the UK leads this Activity on behalf of Highways England. Ian is the custodian of the DATEX II UML model and UML profile, implementing the changes agreed by the Technical Management Group and CEN working group.
