The DATEX II specification enables the information exchange among Centres in two different ways. Firstly, the definition and assessment of road and traffic related information by the DATEX II Standard itself (i.e. former Technical Specifications now converted in EN 16157-x family). Secondly, the need to standardise the method through which the content is delivered from one centre to another. This specification definition is handled within DATEX PSA Activity 5. The Exchange 2018 specification is a common base for DATEX II system interoperability needed for advanced features of Traffic Management and Road Network Operation. The precise definition of the mechanism of exchange is crucial to improve the reliability and effective timing of Exchange to implement operational functionalities, such as Traffic Management Plan and operating VMS messages among Traffic Control Centres in a fully reliable environment. This ensures reciprocal awareness of Processing and Information status among the centres (see figure below).
DATEX Exchange Specifications have been designed to support two main business cases: Information Delivery and Collaborative ITS Services, the latter being the bidirectional data exchange needed to enable workflows to negotiate and agree on proposed ITS Service to be activated. Based on the level of maturity of the specifications, appropriately formatted specification and draft documentation is sent as an input to standardisation bodies as ISO and CEN to become an officially approved Technical Specification or Standard. Further tasks within Activity 5 include linking support to the Standardisation of Traffic Management Plans, the activities of which have been taken into account in document CEN TC278/WG17, which is publishing the TS 16157-8 Traffic Management Plan.
• The Exchange 2018 PIM has been submitted to ISO and CEN for revision. A CEN/ISO TS 19468 based on that model has been approved at a CEN/ISO level and was published in October 2018.
• The Platform Specific Model and Exchange 2018 PSM Specification have been defined to implement the PIM as SOAP WebService. In order for the implementation to also be approved as an ISO/CEN Technical Specification, a TS draft is underway in ISO/CEN as TS 14827-4.
• A Collaboration ITS Services (CIS) specification is also being drafted and is to be added in a second phase of revision of PIM and PSM (i.e. included later in TS 19468 / TS 14827-4).
• Rijkswaterstaat, The Netherlands
• BASt, Germany
• Cerema, France
• Autostrade Tech S.p.A. (ATECH), Italy
• Trafikverket, Sweden
• UK Department for Transport (DfT), United Kingdom
• Instituto da mobilidade e dos transportes, I.P. (IMT, IP), Portugal
Introductory statement:
• DATEX II PSA Activity 5 is lead by Fabrizio Paoletti. Fabrizio is an electronic engineer, involved in Traffic Control Centres Application development for Autostrade per l’Italia ( designing and integrating IT Solutions to operate Traffic Management and Traffic Information Centre Systems. Active in European Projects in the ITS field domain, he joined the European working group on Road Data Traffic Exchange by DATEX in 2003 and kept this role through the years into the current organisation.