Activity 3: Enhanced location referencing

Submitted by admin on Thursday, 2 July, 2020 - 13:38
Activity description

A very important part for DATEX II users is to reference the location. The approach of the DATEX II standard has been to try to integrate the existing standards into the DATEX II model so that it provides the main location referencing systems available today in DATEX II. Nowadays, a high level of detail is required in order to accurately identify locations. It is also required that the solution is flexible enough to be able to adapt to possible changes to the road infrastructure.

DATEX II has tried to integrate the existing standards into the DATEX II model, indeed ALERT-C, TPEG-Loc and EN ISO 19148 (which is at the beginning an ISO/TC211 standard) which provides the main location referencing systems available in DATEX II today, in addition to adding the OpenLR extension in version 3.

Today, accurate digital maps are available to provide 3D dimensions to meet the demanding needs of the impending "autonomous driving". The eGNSS location equipment provides reliable, secure and accurate locations thanks to a multiconstellation receiver, a magnification system such as EGNOS and Galileo signal authentication. This equipment combined with the location reference of a moving event could affect the "static view".

In close collaboration with the work done in INSPIRE and current field referencing developments, support for improved field referencing systems will be an important advance in DATEX II. Moreover, the support of several location referencing systems working simultaneously is essential and one form of support could be clarified in DATEX II. It is essential to facilitate understanding and cooperation between road operators and road users. Therefore, the combination of the historical form of the infrastructure managers and road operators for the location and the arrival of a dynamic and precise location of the moving event is an added value of DATEX II.


• Location referencing package
• Harmonisation with INSPIRE

Active partners

• Cerema, France
• Rijkswaterstaat, the Netherlands
• National Data Warehouse for traffic information, the Netherlands
• Austriatech, Austria
• AFINAG, Austria
• Autostrade per l´Italia, Italy
• Egnatia Odos AE (Egnatia), Greece
• Electronic Solutions S.R.L. (ELSOL), Romania
• STA with VIATI, Sweden
• Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Norway
• Highways England, United Kingdom

Activity lead

Introductory statement:
• Jean-Philippe Méchin is civil servant as civil engineer since 1984. Involved in ITS domain since 2004, he works on European and international projects dealing with traffic information, traffic management, road operation, transport and mobility. He was part of the GNSS and satellite applications task force of the French Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition for 9 years. He is international expert in sustainable transport, safety, multimodality and mobility domain and national expert in IT domain He works with and within Datex II since 2005.
