1. Plenary opening session
OPENING_Keynote - Carlos Costa (ARMIS - PT).pdf
OPENING_Keynote - Frits Brouwer (NDW - NL).pdf
OPENING_Welcome - Marjolein Masclee (RWS - NL).pdf
2. Introducing DATEX II Version 3
VERSION3_Managerial - ITS enabled by DATEX II - Bard de Vries (RWS - NL).pdf
VERSION3_Managerial - ITS enabled by DATEX II - Movie - Bard de Vries (RWS - NL).mp4
VERSION3_Technical - Version 3 as a step forward - Ian Cornwell (Highways England - UK).pdf
VERSION3_Technical - Version 3 as a step forward - Jonas J├дderberg (Trafikverket - SE).pdf
VERSION3_Technical - Version 3 as a step forward - Josef Kaltwasser (Albrecht Consult - DE).pdf
VERSION3_Technical - Version 3 as a step forward - J├╢rg Freudentsein (Albrecht Consult - DE).pdf
3. Break-out session 1
BREAK 1_ZONE 1 - Blue Wave Connects and bridge openings - Tony Meeuwsen and Martijn van Hengstum (RWS, NDW - NL).pdf
BREAK 1_ZONE 1 - Providing real-time road works information in Spain - Gema Leiro Garcia (DGT - ES).pdf
BREAK 1_ZONE 2 - DATEX II for dummies - Bard de Vries (RWS - NL).pdf
BREAK 1_ZONE 3 - EV charging points - Kjersti Leiren Boag (NPRA - NO).pdf
BREAK 1_ZONE 3 - Implementing Automated Vechiles in Urban Public Transportation - Anna Antonakopoulou (ICCS - GR).pdf
BREAK 1_ZONE 3 - The Alliance, Progress and DATEX II - Jonathan Harrod Booth (Harrod Booth Consulting - UK).pdf
BREAK 1_ZONE 4 - D2Light - Bo Bjerkeholt (Trafikverket - SE).pdf
BREAK 1_ZONE 4 - Standardized DATEX II translations - Ian Cornwell (Highways England - UK).pdf
4. Hands-on sessions
HANDS-ON - Making profiles and extensions - Jonas J├дderberg (Trafikverket - SE).pdf
HANDS-ON - Model walkthrough - J├╢rg Freudenstein (Albrecht Consult - DE).pdf
5. Break-out session 2
BREAK 2_ZONE 1 - eCall integration with DATEX II - Jorge Lopes (Brisa - PT).pdf
BREAK 2_ZONE 1 - Managing road incidents in winter conditions - Rocio Lopez de la Vara (DGT - ES).pdf
BREAK 2_ZONE 2 - Delegated regulations, minimum profiles and RAV Test center - Michael Zangl (Austriatech - AT).pdf
BREAK 2_ZONE 2 - Information lifecycles - Ricardo Coelho (ARMIS - PT).pdf
BREAK 2_ZONE 2 - Introduction to Delegated Acts and French experience with NAP - Jean-Philippe Vicinsky (Cerema - FR).pdf
BREAK 2_ZONE 2 - Roadmap for DATEX II deployment in Greece - Anna Antonakoloulous (ICCS - GR).pdf
BREAK 2_ZONE 3 - C-ITS and HYBRID approach - Gottfried Allmer (ASFINAG - AT).pdf
BREAK 2_ZONE 3 - DATEX II Ontology - Niklas Petersen (Fraunhofer IAIS - DE).pdf
BREAK 2_ZONE 3 - Enhanced road works in DATEX II and DENM - Emilie Petit (Cerema - FR).pdf
BREAK 2_ZONE 3 - The use of DATEX II in C-ITS reference architecture - Erwin Vermassen (ERTICO - BE).pdf
BREAK 2_ZONE 4 - Conversation menu.pdf
BREAK 2_ZONE 4 - How to simplify running V2 and V3 in parallel - Jonas J├дderberg (Trafikverket - SE).pdf
6. Break-out session 3
BREAK 3_ZONE 1 - Connected and Automated Vehicles, Exchanging of Traffic Regulations - Jonathan Harrod Booth (Harrod Booth Consulting - UK).pdf
BREAK 3_ZONE 1 - DATEX II METR publication - Josef Kaltwasser (Albrecht Consult - DE).pdf
BREAK 3_ZONE 3 - DATEX II as a source for displaying travel times on VMS - Kjersti Leiren Boag (NPRA - NO).pdf
BREAK 3_ZONE 3 - DATEX II model for status and faults - J├╢rg Freudenstein (Albrecht Consult - DE).pdf
BREAK 3_ZONE 3 - Use of DATEX II for urban trarffic light control - Rudi Tegenbos (Thauro, BE).pdf
BREAK 3_ZONE 3 - UTMC extension model for traffic signal status - Ian Cornwell (Highways England - UK).pdf
BREAK 3_ZONE 4 - On the fly VMS messages setting among TCCs - Matteo Buganini (Autostrade Tech - IT).pdf
BREAK 3_ZONE 4 - Use of DATEX II for crisis management between road operators - Olivier Perichon (DIRIF - FR).pdf