From: Tony McConnell [] Sent: 13 May 2010 14:09 To: Tim Wright Subject: DATEX2 Schema Hi Tim, Sorry to bother you with this, apologies if you aren’t the correct person to contact. Is it correct that the modelBaseVersion of the D2LogicalModel type, and targetClass attribute of other types, are defined in the schema so that they default to xs:anySimpleType? For example: The lack of explcit type for the attribute causes it to default to xs:anySimpleType. Wouldn’t this be more logical as xs:string? The same applies to the targetClass attribute. For example: Best Regards Tony McConnell Principal Engineer Bsc(Hons) LPIC-1 CEH CLA Ultra Electronics Controls Taylor House, Caxton Road, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9ZB Tel: 01772 907488 (Direct Line) Fax: 01772 907501 Email: Web: